Website Use Agreement

立博客户端app下载 Corporation(“立博客户端app下载”),位于1026 Jay Street Suite B-44 Charlotte, NC 28208. 立博客户端app下载的网站(本“网站”或我们的“网站”)和某些客户服务可从本网站访问. Use of our website and services are provided to you subject to all of the terms and conditions herein (including any future amendments), and subject to our privacy policy and cookie policy (including any future amendments of each) which are posted on our website and which are incorporated herein by this reference. 这些文件统称为本“协议”.”

1. General Legal Terms.

1.1. In order to exercise the rights granted to you herein you must first agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, without counter offer, addition, deletion or variance, 所有这些都被雅高拒绝了. If you view or use this site, 或访问本网站的任何服务, 或提交帐户注册表格, then your viewing, 使用或访问或注册即表示您对本协议条款和条件的接受(“接受”)。, 本协议将具有与您签署本协议并将签署后的副本返还给立博客户端app下载相同的可执行性. 您必须退出本网站而不按“接受”, or you must click “Reject”, 如果这些选项提供给您, 否则,您必须在不使用本网站的情况下退出, and must not access any service, 不得通过本网站向立博客户端app下载注册拒绝本协议.

1.2. 我们可以随时通过在本网站发布修订后的条款来修改本协议. 您接受修改的方式与您接受本协议的方式相同. 该修改在你方接受后生效.

1.3. 我们的虚构名称和商标包括立博客户端app下载、Freedom和Web Empowerment Software. 除本第1条所述本公司名称及标志外.3, our site may contain, trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos, 符号或立博客户端app下载和无关第三方的其他专有名称

1.4. The use on this site of any name, trade name, trademark, service mark, logo, 任何第三方的符号或其他专有名称或标记, 以及任何第三方通过本网站提供的商品或服务的可用性, is not an endorsement or sponsorship of this site by the third-party or of the third party or its site of its goods or services by us, 或者第三方参与我们提供的商品, 通过本网站提供的服务或信息或我们参与第三方提供的商品, services or information.

1.5. Nothing in this Agreement or on our website should be interpreted as an admission by us that our business is subject to registration or licensing in any state.

1.6. The patent, copyright, trademark, 与构成本网站的内容有关的商业秘密和其他知识产权和专有权利(“权利”), 本网站提供的服务和获得许可的软件, 以及在本网站收集的数据和信息(统称), “Content”), which includes, but is not limited to, all information, 从任何来源收集或输入的所有类型和描述的数据, software, photographs, text, video, graphics, button icons, logos, music, sounds, user interfaces, and methods, 由立博客户端app下载和第三方拥有或授权, 包括立博客户端app下载的广告客户, 谁的商品和服务是通过本网站的超链接出售的.

1.7. 在您接受本协议后, 然后,只要本协议和/或本许可未按本协议规定终止, 立博客户端app下载授予您一项许可,可根据立博客户端app下载的意愿随时以任何理由或无理由撤销, to: (i) use our website to view Content that we specifically display for viewing; (ii) register with us as a customer and if registered to access services that we make available to registered customers on the website; (iii) utilize the active hyperlinks that we include on our website to link to our advertisers and sponsors. 许可的活动仅限于您个人使用和受益的合法活动, and not to any speculative, false, 恶意或欺诈活动.

1.8. 除第1节所授予的权利外.7, 对于使用我们的网站,您没有其他权利或许可, any Content, or any other material, 立博客户端app下载提供的商品或服务, 不限制前述的普遍性, you agree not to modify, adapt, translate, prepare derivative works from, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, unlock, 解密或以其他方式尝试派生源代码或查看任何内容的代码. 您还同意不删除、模糊或更改任何内容或任何权利通知.

1.9. Upon the termination, or during any suspension, 本协议的条款或第1条所授予的许可.7、您必须立即停止所有被许可的活动.

1.10. 在不限制本第1节任何其他子节的一般性的情况下, any copying, modification, reproduction, performance, display, redistribution, retransmission, 将任何内容发布或合并到任何其他网站或任何下载材料的其他作品中, or linking to, mirroring or framing our website, is prohibited. You agree not to use any “robot,” “spider,” or other automatic device, or a program, 具有相似过程或功能的算法或方法, 或任何具有类似功能或结果的手动过程, to monitor, 复制从我们的网站获取任何数据或其他内容, 或干扰我们网站的工作或更改, 删除或添加任何内容或收集任何电子邮件地址. 或对我们的网站或内容采取任何恶意行为.

2. Buying.

2.1. 通过本网站购买我们的服务或使用我们的软件, whether for your own use or for resale in accordance with the terms of our other software licenses and customer and resale contracts that you agree to in other areas of this website or in writing, 所有这些都包含在本参考文献中, 仅适用于在适用法律下能够形成具有法律约束力的合同的客户, 谁已根据本协议向我们注册, 并且在其他方面没有违反本协议的任何条款. 如果你是佛罗里达州的未成年人, or in your state of citizenship, residency or location, 那么你就没有资格使用我们的服务. 如果您不符合我们提供服务的资格,我们可能会拒绝向您提供服务, 或在其他方面违反本协议的任何条款.

2.2. 要成为我们的客户或使用我们的软件,您必须向我们注册, 并提供我们要求的所有信息, such as your name, address, telephone number, email address, and credit card information. 您同意及时更新您的注册信息,以保持其完整和准确. 我们起诉那些用假名或无效借记卡或信用卡注册的人, and you agree that our systems may interrogate your computer to obtain information stored on it about you that can be used to verify your identity and other information, 如果你有任何欺诈行为,我也会起诉你.

2.3. 您必须选择您自己的密码和标识符才能访问您的帐户. You are responsible for, and bear the risk of, 安全及未经授权使用您在我们的帐户, 您同意不让我们承担任何与未经授权使用您的帐户有关的责任, 所以请保护好你的密码和ID. You agree that we may rely on, and you will be bound by, 所提供的所有信息和说明, 任何人用你的密码和ID登录你的账户.

2.4. 当您使用活动超链接链接到立博客户端app下载广告客户或第三方服务提供商时, 您直接与广告商或其他第三方打交道,而不是与立博客户端app下载打交道. All interactions and transactions between you and the advertiser or other third party are independent from your dealings and agreement with us. 您同意,立博客户端app下载对您不承担任何责任,您对立博客户端app下载的任何索赔没有任何补救措施, loss, damage, expense or amount of any kind, including but not limited to, consequential, special, 附带的或惩罚性的损害赔偿或利润损失, lost data, 或基于严格或绝对侵权责任的损害赔偿, damages in contract or by statute, 直接或间接由通过本网站访问的任何第三方产品或服务(统称为, “Damages”) and you, 代表您和您的继任者, assigns, estate, heirs, executors, administrators, 及保险公司(各为“赔偿人”), 同意为立博客户端app下载(由立博客户端app下载选择的律师)辩护并控制立博客户端app下载, its owners, officers, directors, agents, 保险公司和所有其他可能承担衍生责任的人(各称为“立博客户端app下载受偿人”), harmless against all Damages asserted against any 立博客户端app下载 Indemnitee related to an advertiser's or other third party's performance or failure to perform in its dealings with you, 无论是否提起诉讼, 不管他们行动或不行动的原因是什么, 或者与你使用他们的商品有关, services or facilities, 无论您是直接从广告商或其他第三方或立博客户端app下载获得的.

2.5. 如果您提交购买任何服务, 产品或软件许可在我们的网站上,您的提交被立博客户端app下载接受, 然后,您自动有义务完成交易并立即支付购买费用. Once submitted, 购买优惠不得取消, rescinded, terminated, or amended by you for any reason. 所有的报价都是在美国进行的.S. dollars only to be paid with Visa, Mastercard, 或您预先登记的美国运通卡,用于支付欠立博客户端app下载的款项. 您对本协议的接受构成您对立博客户端app下载收取您购买金额的指示, 以及其他与购买有关的应付款项, 您在注册时向立博客户端app下载提供的卡片. 您的信用卡必须以您的名义登记,除非持卡人在提供给我们的书面通知中预先批准了相关费用. 这构成您的付款指示,并被视为您(或持卡人)对所有费用的存档签名. Unless 立博客户端app下载 within its sole discretion agrees to accept other forms of payment and on terms other than payment in advance or at delivery, 然后,提前或在交货时从您预先批准的信用卡中收取费用是唯一可接受的付款方式.

2.6. 如果您从立博客户端app下载或我们的直接或间接经销商处购买我们的软件许可, then your receipt, possession and use of any copy of our software is subject to the license agreements included with software or in other agreements into which you may be required to enter. 在任何情况下都要遵守我们的许可和协议条款, your purchases from third parties are subject to the terms and conditions of their agreements and you agree to defend and hold all 立博客户端app下载 Indemnitees harmless against all Damages related thereto.

3. Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. 

3.1. 您确认您已阅读我们的隐私政策和我们的Cookie政策, 其中每项条款已通过引用并入本协议. 在不改变您对本协议其他条款的接受的前提下, 您同意这些政策的条款是合理且令您满意的. 您同意立博客户端app下载根据我们的隐私政策使用您的个人信息. 立博客户端app下载 relies on third parties to keep data secure and it makes no representation or warranty with regard to the sufficiency of the security measures used for data handling and storage. We will not be responsible for any actual or consequential damages that result from a lapse in compliance with the Privacy Policy because of a security breach or technical malfunction and you agree to defend and hold all 立博客户端app下载 Indemnitees harmless against all Damages related thereto.

4. No Warranty; Limitation of Liability.

4.1. ACCRISOFT PROVIDES ITS WEB SITE, CONTENT, LICENSED SOFTWARE, SERVICES, AND ALL GOODS AND SERVICES OF OTHERS ACQUIRED BY YOU FROM ACCRISOFT “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMISSIBLE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, accrisoft明确否认对所有权的默示保证, MERCHANTABILITY, 适合某一特定目的和不侵权. 立博客户端app下载不保证连续, 不间断或安全访问其服务, 其网站的运行可能会受到许多其无法控制的因素的干扰, 包括但不限于电信网络中断. Further, 立博客户端app下载不保证准确性, 本网站任何信息的及时性或完整性,或您使用本网站的结果. 互联网不是一种安全的传输方式, 立博客户端app下载不保证进出本网站的数据是安全的,不会未经授权, 未知或不可预见的安全漏洞. 立博客户端app下载. does not warrant that this site, 其服务器或从立博客户端app下载发送的任何电子邮件均不含病毒或其他有害组件.

4.2. 立博客户端app下载不对您承担责任, 你将无法就任何损失向立博客户端app下载索赔, damage or expense of any kind, including but not limited to, consequential, special, 附带的或惩罚性的损害赔偿或利润损失, 对利润损失或侵权行为中严格责任或绝对责任的损害赔偿, damages in contract or by statute, damages for lost data, spamming, viruses, interrupted transmissions, 或未经授权访问您在立博客户端app下载的帐户或立博客户端app下载存储的您的数据, 由立博客户端app下载履行或未能履行本协议直接或间接造成的, 无论立博客户端app下载是否已被告知此类损害的可能性. 一些司法管辖区可能不允许排除或限制附带或间接损害, 因此,上述免责条款仅适用于适用法律允许的范围.

5. Term. 

5.1. 您不需要访问或使用我们的网站或服务, 但如果您这样做,则本协议适用于您的访问和使用,并且您不得终止本协议. 我们可在不另行通知的情况下暂停您对本网站的访问, for any or no reason, within our sole discretion, 包括如果你违反本协议.

6. Miscellaneous.

6.1. 须在此作出的通知, and otherwise between the parties, may be given to 立博客户端app下载 at its customer support email address identified in its website and to you at the email address provide by you when registering with us, or to any other address that we reasonably believe is your principal residence or principal place of business or by publication by us in a major newspaper servicing Mecklenburg County North Carolina, 也可通过挂号信寄回,要求回执, 或者由联邦快递等国家认可的快递公司亲自投递. 通知一经交付即视为已发出.

6.2. 本协议构成双方就本协议标的达成的完整协议和谅解, 并取代和取代所有先前或同时的协议, written or oral, as to the subject matter; provided, 即所有终端用户许可协议或服务协议, or similar agreements required by 立博客户端app下载 that govern the use of Content of 立博客户端app下载 and or its third party licensees or providers, 应根据本协议控制其他项目. 立博客户端app下载网站上的信息是促销性质的,不代表或保证, or otherwise part of, 本协议或与立博客户端app下载的其他协议. 本协议仅可由立博客户端app下载通过本协议其他地方讨论的接受程序进行修改.

6.3. 本协议及本协议的任何条款均不得解除, discharged, waived, abandoned, or modified in any manner, 除非双方签署书面文书. 任何一方对本协议违约或条件的任何放弃均不应被视为对该违约或条件的继续放弃. Any delay or omission by either party to exercise any right or remedy under this Agreement shall not be construed to be a waiver of any such right or remedy or any right hereunder

6.4. 立博客户端app下载 and its advertisers, 我们网站上有活跃超链接的其他供应商和其他第三方, are not partners, joint venturers , 他们之间没有其他类型的代理, 没有人会这样认为, 或有权约束或为另一方创造义务或责任.

6.5. Headings are inserted only for the purpose of convenient reference and it is recognized that they may not adequately or accurately describe the contents of the provisions which they head. 上述标题不应视为适用, limit, 修改或以任何其他方式影响范围, 本协议条款或其任何部分的含义或意图, 否则不具有法律效力.

6.6. 在本协议上下文要求的地方, 单数术语应视为复数, 复数名词应视为单数名词, and masculine, 女性代词和中性代词在意义上应等同

6.7. 您不得转让或委托本协议或您在本协议项下的任何权利或义务, in whole or in part, without our written consent. 任何未经我方书面同意的所谓转让或委托均属无效. Subject to the foregoing, 本协议对双方及其各自的继承人和受让人具有约束力并使其受益, heirs, estates, 遗嘱执行人及其他个人管理人.

6.8. 如果立博客户端app下载由于其无法控制的原因而无法履行其在本协议项下的任何义务, such as wars, acts of God, weather, strikes, 或第三方供应商未能履行其与立博客户端app下载的协议(均称为“不可抗力”)。, 则立博客户端app下载在本协议项下的履行应被原谅,直至适用的不可抗力结束.

6.9. 本协议应被视为在夏洛特订立, North Carolina, 以及在此授予的所有许可, 为所有目的,并应完全受北卡罗来纳州法律管辖并根据其进行解释, 不考虑法律冲突, 各方明确选择退出可能影响其制定的所有适用的国际条约和公约, 本协议的履行或执行. Notwithstanding the foregoing, 美国的联邦法律, all foreign laws and all international treaties and conventions that provide 立博客户端app下载 with protections and/or rights in connection with 立博客户端app下载's intellectual property and trade secrets shall apply. 与本协议的订立或履行有关的所有诉讼均应提交法院, state or federal, sitting in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, 双方特此同意该等法院的管辖权和地点. Notwithstanding the foregoing, 立博客户端app下载 may bring suit in any court or before any other body if it deems it necessary to enforce or protect its intellectual property or confidential information, 或执行其在本协议项下的权利或义务. This Agreement shall be interpreted in English only and all proceedings of any type related to this Agreement shall be conducted in English only. 本协议项下的所有金额均以美元为单位.

6.10. 如果本协议的任何部分被有管辖权的法院认定为非法, invalid or unenforceable, 该部分将进行修订,以尽可能达到与原规定相同的经济效果, 本协议的其余部分将继续完全有效.

6.11. Any claim or action by you against 立博客户端app下载 or against any 立博客户端app下载 Indemnitee related to the matters herein must be brought by you by arbitration with the American Arbitration Association in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, 以您的个人身份,而不是作为原告或任何形式的集体诉讼或代表诉讼的集体成员, 您的索赔或诉讼不能与任何其他人或实体的索赔或诉讼合并, 包括任何基于法律的索赔, 比如那些保护残疾人的条例, 包括我们的网站是否符合《立博客户端app下载》.


(Revision 6.22.2018)

End User Subscription License